In a recent development, the United States has expanded its investigation into India’s Adani Group, focusing on the actions of its founder, Gautam Adani, amid suspicions of bribery. According to a report by Bloomberg News, prosecutors are delving into whether Adani entities or individuals associated with the company, including Gautam Adani himself, engaged in payments to officials in India to secure favorable treatment for an energy project.
The investigation, led by the US Attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York and the Justice Department’s fraud unit in Washington, has also cast its net over Indian renewable energy firm Azure Power Global.
While Adani Group has refuted any knowledge of an investigation against its chairman, the probe continues to unfold. Responses from Adani Group, Azure Power, and the Department of Justice are eagerly awaited.
This scrutiny comes in the wake of a turbulent period for Adani Group, marked by a significant selloff of its stocks and bonds following allegations of improper governance practices and stock manipulation by US short-seller Hindenburg Research. Adani Group vehemently denies these accusations, asserting its commitment to ethical business practices.
As the investigation progresses, the outcome remains uncertain, underscoring the importance of transparency and integrity in corporate conduct. Stay tuned for further updates on this unfolding story.