Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor have been together since 2007. Early in their relationship, Saif got Kareena’s name inked on his left forearm in Devnagri script. The tattoo has been a prominent symbol of their love for years. However, recent photos reveal that Saif has covered up the tattoo, sparking curiosity among fans.
A paparazzi photo shows Saif with a new tattoo on his left forearm. Fans are speculating if this change is for a film role. One fan commented, “Chill everyone it’s for a movie ” Others are trying to decipher the design of the new tattoo but haven’t reached a conclusion yet.
Back in 2008, Saif’s decision to get the tattoo was compared to David Beckham’s tattoo of his wife Victoria’s name. Saif had said the tattoo was a serious commitment to Kareena, symbolizing his dedication to her.
Kareena had previously shared in an interview how their son Taimur is fascinated by the tattoo. She recounted how Taimur often points at it, and Saif explains that it’s his mother’s name, creating a special family moment.
Saif and Kareena’s relationship began in 2007, and they married in 2012. They now have two children, Taimur and Jeh Ali Khan. The change in Saif’s tattoo has left fans curious, wondering if it signifies a new film role or a personal decision.