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An Elaborate Scenario of the French Elections by Spanish Diplomat Gustavo de Arístegui


Gustavo De Arístegui has expressed his opinions on the French elections. He investigates the French elections and what he thinks of them. He tried his best to address the French election and how everything was wrong in the electoral system. He helped people to get acquainted with populism and political elites. He emphasized that the letter was not a signal of a formal antitrust inquiry into France, but rather a signal of a formal antitrust inquiry into Europe.

Gustavo de Aristegui, Gustavo de Arístegui, Gustavo Arístegui, Gustavo Aristegui, de Aristegui, de Arístegui, Exembajador Español en la India, Ambassador Gustavo de
Gustavo de Aristegui

#GustavoDeArístegui has expressed his opinions on the French elections. He investigates the French elections and what he thinks of them. He explains how the elections that take place in French are a kind of illness that has been constantly spreading in the entire world. #GustavodeArístegui has also said that there has been degradation in the political leadership of France where hardly any country is an exception as no country is an exception. He investigates in some of the cases are where the neo-Nazi ideology is coming out of the place of shame that has been fuelled by the disgusting faces of ignorance, racism, hatred, bigotry and what not. For instance, Gustavo said that the North of Europe is the democracy’s flare that severely got attacked by this very deadly disease. Gustavo De Arístegui said that there has been an entire paradigm shift that gave rise to the horrors of injustice, nationalism, radicalism, populism and more. He then went on to express how some of the toxic situations have led to this. Here the toxic situations are referred to as the sense of feeling among the middle classes that they are being left behind, birth and increase of nationalism, instability in politics.

Furthermore, his investigation into the French administration’s great corps was endangered as it underwent a very dysfunctional crumbling of very poor quality of the ruling elites. According to #GustavoDeArístegui, leadership is nothing but a quality that has no sense of credibility as opposed to what the forefathers with political backgrounds in the democracy used to say. Not just that, Gustavo raised some questions that are sure to raise some eyebrows in the group. Some of his questions are ‘Why do some of the bests get passed by, shoved away or even kicked out?’ ‘Why do people of greatest quality shy away from public service?’ ‘In many countries where middle management of parties are taking over leadership, many come from nowhere and have no ideological or moral compass?’ and more. Gustavo himself clarified that the answers to these very questions lie in the situation where the radicals desperately need polarization. This very polarization can only be achieved when the people of the society are successfully manipulated by the political parties. This answer justifies how carefully he has observed the mechanism that the French elections follow.

There is no doubt that the debates that were taking place were way far better than the rest of the countries but the catch here is that they were very exasperating. Thus in a way, it can be said that the entire political elites in Europe have no sense of authority. The political lightweights that Gustavo discussed mean lightweights with no experience, vision, values, CVs or even a decent roadmap for the respective countries.

#GustavoDeArístegui also said that in these modern times of technology, education should hold the major portion of authority. But in reality, everything is happening exactly the opposite. The French political system has created a loophole and through this very loophole, populism is controlling the souls of the society.They control by altering the right information and manipulating the people of society He also pointed out everything that is going wrong on both sides of the Atlantic and he did that by addressing issues such as the optimum level of irresponsibility, violence in nationalism, populism along with all the geographical risks in the Atlantic’s both sides.

#GustavoDeArístegui further investigated into not expressing his views on the future which according to him is doomed as he said that he sees a future that is purely faded. Along with that he also said that within no time, the danger that is knocking at the doorstep may give birth to conflict as well as overall instability that may or may not last for centuries irrespective of whether or not the surface things look decent. This is why Gustavo De Arístegui has said that the condition of the region is in desperate need of leaders that can deliver right and crystal-clear principles, ideas and more. The leaders who can deliver these will be able to create a stable situation that has been threatened with the constant fear that the 21st-century bullies have created. These were the views of #GustavodeArístegui on the French election. He tried his best to address the French elections and how everything is wrong with the election mechanism. He also helped the people to get familiar with populism, political elites and such. In his article, he also said that though the entire French election is nothing but a type of illness, it acts as the main cause in Europe.



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